Partners and their Hero stories

Show the exciting nature that is natural. So your employees and their families can proudly be themselves at home, at school and at your workplace.


“Parents & families can play an important role advocating for safe spaces where their child can explore interest without judgment of stereotypes.”

Lee Boonstra - Chapter Lead Gayglers

Organised a colouring competition for the children of Google employees

Promoted the Natural Foundation during Canal PRIDE Utrecht 2022

Gifted the first book of Storkie to Google employees


“In the immortal words of Dory: Just Keep Swimming. There is not always much you can do, but at least you can choose to keep swimming. The times will change.

Sophie Jeckmans - Lead Trans+ Network of Workplace Pride

Hosted a Storkie event for 80+ children of ING employees

Created 500 personalised book of Storkie for every new born of ING employees


"Boundless Possibilities Beyond the Gender Binary", we wanted to inspire & educate our associates to think outside of the social construct.

Tessa Tutuarima - Diversity and Inclusion Specialist

Hosted workshop for parents of PVH about Gender and Sexual Diversity during Pride Amsterdam 2022

Organising yearly book readings for the children of PVH employees

Gifted over 100 books of Storkie to the employees of PVH

Create your Hero story